Suffering a work injury can have devastating consequences. More severe injuries may have lasting consequences that lead to a disability claim and being out of work can wreak havoc on one’s income. Thankfully, workers injured on the job can rely on their employer’s...
Month: July 2020
A purposeful legal response to a MD drunk driving accident
We see it every day, don’t we? In fact, it is a relative rarity for even a brief period of time to pass that is absent news of a drunk driving-linked crash somewhere in Maryland. Such outcomes yield predictable and often tragic consequences. Paradoxically, too, they...
How a revocable living trust can benefit your estate plan
In five years, do you think you will have the same desires for your assets and properties? What about in ten years? While developing foolproof estate plans may require some elements of irrevocability, a revocable trust may be necessary for certain assets. There are...
4 Steps you should take after a hit and run accident
Getting into a car accident is usually stressful, scary, and inconvenient, but it can get even worse if the other driver decides to flee from the accident scene. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, hit-and-run accidents account for about 11% to 13% of...
What a passenger injured in a car crash can do
Entering a car as a passenger requires a certain level of trust. You are placing your safety and well-being in the hands of someone else. Their decision-making is what will determine whether you get to your destination safely or not. Say the worst happens, and the...
How to prevent heirs contesting the will
Parents have a lot to worry about when it comes to their family. Though their children may grow up and have families of their own, parents may still see them as the kids they once were. Many parents take any opportunity they can to show their children they care. A...