Estate planning is more than considering who gets your assets after you are gone. It is about negotiating a web of legal considerations, including your will, to fulfill your wishes. Your estate gets divided based on specific estate laws, and a lack of planning can...
firm news
Look in these places for evidence for your truck accident case
It only takes a split-second for a wayward semi-truck to cause a catastrophic accident. And those who are hurt in these wrecks often suffer life-changing injuries. Many of them end up paralyzed, but even those who eventually recover their physical health can be...
What makes some teenagers dangerous drivers?
It only takes a split second for an errant driver to run a red light, swerve into oncoming traffic, fail to slow for stopped traffic, or change lanes into you. And when any of these events occur, you can be at risk of suffering serious injuries that can last a...
Facing the unexpected costs of a loved one’s wrongful death
When a tragic accident prematurely ends the life of a loved one, the family left behind may face more than immediate grief. Many feel the pinch of today's increasing cost of living, but they are often unaware of how expensive the cost of dying can be. In most cases, a...
How to cover your bills after a car accident
Following a serious car accident, your life can feel chaotic. You might have several medical appointments to keep, you might be forced to find new ways to live your daily life on account of your injuries, and you’ll probably have to find ways to cope with the...
What makes a trust invalid?
Trusts are legal arrangements that allow another party to manage your assets when you are unable to do so yourself. However, it is crucial to abide by the state’s legal requirements when creating a trust to ensure its validity. Otherwise, interested parties may...
Estate planning during a family estrangement
In Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy wrote, "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." You might have strong, healthy relationships with your spouse, children and everyone else in your family. Or there might be relatives you have not seen...
What happens to my estate plan if my spouse and I divorce?
Your spouse may be the first person you think of to name as an heir in your will, and they may be the person you trust most to serve as power of attorney or health care agent. You might not predict when you write your will that you might divorce, but national...
Workers’ compensation deadlines: 10 days, 60 days, two years
It can be easy in the aftermath of a major on-the-job injury to be highly focused on your recovery and simply getting back to work. Still, you do not want to give up your right to pursue workers’ compensation benefits by missing important notification and filing...
Some basic concepts about wills—and why you need one
The starting point for most people in Maryland who are interested in estate planning is to understand wills and how they are part of a comprehensive estate plan. The fact is that wills are usually the bedrock of any given estate plan, so this is a good starting point....