Representing Passengers Injured In Car Accidents
When a car accident occurs, it is not just drivers who may be injured. Passengers in any involved vehicle can also be seriously injured and face a range of challenges after an accident. If you were a passenger in a vehicle that was involved in an accident, you may be able to take action through a passenger accident claim.
Whether the driver of the car you were in was negligent or another driver was negligent, you as a passenger had no fault in the accident. This means that someone else is wholly responsible for the injuries and losses that you suffered.
Standing Up For Your Rights
At the KMA Law Office in Severna Park, we strive to help passengers understand how we go about getting the compensation they deserve after an accident. We initiate a detailed investigation into the case in order to determine who was at fault for the accident. Once we determine who was at fault, our experienced Maryland car accident attorney Karen M. Authement can file a personal injury claim against the negligent party and his or her insurance company.
Types Of Injuries
We represent clients who have sustained a wide variety of injuries, including:
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): A serious head injury may have a lifelong impact. Many TBIs occur without any visible head wound, so it is important to be evaluated by a medical professional immediately after the accident.
- Spinal cord injuries and paralysis: Your spinal cord is responsible for conducting nerve impulses throughout the body that control all types of bodily functions and movements. Any damage to the spinal cord can severely limit normal body functions and mobility, and even cause paralysis.
- Broken bones: Though broken bones heal, the inconvenience and difficulties you have to face while attempting to recover may result in time off of work, pain and suffering, and other interruptions to your life.
- Amputations: Losing an arm, leg or other body part is devastating and requires you to completely alter the way in which you live your life, in order to accommodate your new physical limitations.
- Severe burns: A car fire resulting from an accident can leave passengers with serious burns that require extensive medical care to deal with skin grafts, infections and plastic surgery to deal with any scarring.
- Serious lacerations and abrasions: Cuts and scrapes may seem minor but when they are severe or are caused by objects in a crash, they can cause serious skin and tissue damage that requires medical attention.
Our firm is dedicated to handling all of the legal details of your passenger injury case so you can focus on healing. Our goal is to help you live as normal of a life as possible while ensuring that justice is served.
Contact Us Now For Help
To learn more from our experienced firm and lawyer, fill out our form online or call 800-851-3301 now. A free consultation is offered for clients with personal injury matters.