Discussions about personal injury due to distracted driving in Maryland and across the nation seem so common because the problem is exceedingly widespread. Law enforcement, legislators, auto manufacturers and technology companies are consistently seeking strategies to make the roads safer by reducing distracted driving, but the problem worsens. Researchers examine this phenomenon to help with improving safety and frequently discover surprising trends.
A distracted driving study from the insurer Liberty Mutual shows that people of different ages are prone to distraction despite attempts to tamp down on the practice. Almost every new vehicle has some form of hands-free device installed. These put the apps and other technologies at eye level to keep the driver’s focus on the road. However, researchers say that this does not help in a major way. Simply removing one’s eyes from the road is a distraction. Concentrating on anything other than the road places the driver and others on the road in jeopardy.
In the study, U.S. Baby Boomers, Millennials and members of Generation X were interviewed. Overall, 67 percent used a device to check emails, text or to use apps. Forty-seven percent behaved dangerously behind the wheel. Thirty-eight percent drove beyond the speed limit. In addition to the 86 percent of Millennials who used their phone, 79 percent read texts or took calls, 72 percent looked at notifications and 53 percent sent texts or emails. Drivers also notice the behaviors of people they are sharing the road with as they see them looking down and clearly manipulating a device. This happens parallel to 98 percent of those who took part in the study declaring themselves safe drivers.
When there is an auto accident with personal injury and death, those who were involved or lost a loved one should know that the cause can be a vital part of filing a claim to be compensated. If the accident was due to a distracted driver, it is imperative to file a claim for medical costs, lost income, funeral expenses and more.