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The statistics are scary when it comes to distracted driving

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2021 | personal injury |

Most of our readers probably know the signs of a distracted driver – they correct in their lanes suddenly; drift over lines slowly at times; or, ever common, is to flat-out see drivers with their smartphones right in front of their eyes while driving. From smartphones to “infotainment,” and everything else that causes distractions, these drivers, even momentarily at times, place themselves and all others on the road at risk.

The statistics show that distracted driving should have us all worried. According to statistics kept by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eight people die in America every day in motor vehicle accidents that involve a distracted driver. Over the course of a recent year – 2018, for example – the statistics show that about 2,800 people were killed in distracted driving accidents. Another 400,000 people were injured in motor vehicle accidents that involved distracted driving that year.

Some people may think it is innocent enough to glance at the latest headlines on their phone while driving, or scan through the radio or eat a burger, but the reality is that any distraction, even momentarily, could lead to a devastating motor vehicle accident. Lives are on the line.

Taking legal action

When someone is injured in a motor vehicle accident in Maryland that was caused by a distracted driver, that individual may be able to take legal action. A personal injury lawsuit, if successful, could lead to an award of financial compensation that could help pay for medical expenses and lost wages due to time off of work, among other costs. For more information about how we work with our clients to hold distracted drivers in Maryland accountable, please visit the motor vehicle accident overview section of our law firm’s website.


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